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How do I transfer employees from an old company to a new company?

There is currently no built-in way to do this. We recommend following the process below.

Step 1: Export employee data from the old company

You should ensure that you are working with the old company; in other words, check the name in the blue block in the top left of the screen.

  • Click on Employees > Bulk Actions > Bulk Add Employees.
  • Click on the link in “You can download the spreadsheet for adding/updating employees here“.
  • Save the file somewhere accessible.
  • Open the file and delete any rows corresponding to the employees that you do not wish to transfer.

Please note: If you decide to remove information relating to any existing employees from the Excel file before importing it to the new company, please ensure that the new employees do not have the same employee numbers as your existing ones as this will cause your existing employee data to be overwritten.

Please note: You should not alter the format of the spreadsheet in any other way such as moving / deleting columns or changing headings.

  • Edit the remaining employees’ appointment dates to be the date on which they start at the new company; you can simply enter it in the first row and then copy and paste it for the other employees.
  • Save the file.

Please note: When employees need to be transferred to a new company, it is important to establish whether the new company is registered under a different PAYE number. If this is the case, the employees would need to be added with a new employment date on the new company.

Please note: You will have the option to make leave adjustments if you need to carry over leave balances for certain employees. For more information on leave adjustments, refer to the below help page:

Step 2: Import data into the new company

You should ensure that you are working with the new company; in other words, check the name in the blue block in the top left of the screen.

  • Click on Employees > Bulk Actions > Bulk Add Employees.
  • Upload the file you saved in Step 1 above.
  • Verify the data and click Save.

Please note: When employees need to be transferred to a new company, it is important to establish whether the new company is registered under a different PAYE number. If this is the case, the employees would need to be added with a new employment date on the new company.

Step 3: Add payroll information in bulk

To enter information for regular items such as basic salary, click on Employees > Bulk Actions > Regular Inputs and select the relevant item from the drop down menu(s).

To enter information for once-off items such as hours worked or expense claims, click on Employees > Bulk Actions > Payslip Inputs and select the relevant item from the drop down menu(s).

Please note: You will need to enter each item separately by selecting it from the drop-down menu(s) – do not forget to save after each set of changes.

Step 4: Enter leave take-on balances in bulk (old leave system)

This option is only available on version 1 of the leave system.

  • Click on Employees > Bulk Actions > Payslip Inputs.
  • Select “Leave Adjustment” from the third drop-down menu under Filters (it says “Basic Salary” by default).
  • Check the box under Add for each employee.
  • Enter the balances as at their last day of service with the old company for each employee for each leave type.
  • Click Save.

In newer versions of the leave system, leave take-on balances have to be entered individually. For more information on this, refer to the below help page:

Please note: Take-on balances would only be necessary if the company is registered under the same PAYE number.

Step 5: End the service of the transferred employees in the old company

More information about how to end the service of employees can be found in the following help page: