Switching to Paid
The first step in registering as a SimplePay user, is to sign up here for a free 30 day trial. However, at some point – either during your free trial or after its expiry – you might want to switch to a paid account.
There are three ways in which you could do this:
- During your free trial, you could go to the Profile icon
> Billing > Billing Preferences and tick the box next to Automatically switch to paid after trial expiry. Then click Save.
- After the expiry of your free trial, you will receive an email containing a link that you could click to switch to paid, if you hadn’t yet done so.
- Another option after expiry of your free trial, is to go to Profile icon
> Billing > Billing Preferences and click the Switch to Paid button. Then click Save.
Please note that once you switched to a paid account in one of the three ways outlined above, you can continue processing since all of your data from the free trial period will automatically be transferred to / available in your paid account.
As soon as your trial has expired and you have chosen to switch to paid, you will receive an invoice as billing is done in advance.