Introducing Custom Bulk Inputs

    1 minute read    

Simplify your payroll management with Custom Bulk Inputs. Edit payroll items of your choosing — for multiple employees at once — on a single screen or via an Excel file generated by the system.

Feature Recap for Quarter 1 2024

    2 minute read    

In this blog, we recap some system updates that occurred in the first quarter of 2024. Read more here.

New Feature Labels

    1 minute read    

Our new Feature Labels allow you to easily read more about new features, and to send us feedback about new and existing features.

Latest News on the Return of Earnings

    1 minute read    

Discover the latest updates on the Return of Earnings, including the submission deadline, and a change in how SimplePay applies the annual threshold.

National Budget Speech 2024

    2 minute read    

In this blog, we briefly discuss the changes announced in the 2024 Budget Speech and how they affect your payroll.

Self-Service Claims Now Available By Default

    1 minute read    

We’re happy to announce that we’ve made our Employee Self-Service (ESS) claims available to our entire customer base — by default! Find out more about this exciting feature in our blog.