Month: August 2021

New Feature: Pro-Rate Custom Items

SimplePay automatically calculates and applies a pro-rate percentage to the Basic Salary of employees if they do not work for a full pay period i.e. the are appointed after the start of a pay period or terminated before the end of a pay period. We’ve received several requests to allow for the pro-rata percentage to be applied to other items, and are delighted to announce that this functionality is now available for certain custom items.

TERS Update and Claims for Workers Affected by Unrest

Today’s post covers the opening of TERS applications for new claim codes, as well as some information about the recently announced benefit program for workers affected by the recent civil unrest in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

New Feature: Batch Pay Beneficiaries

In March 2021, we introduced beneficiaries to the system (refer to our blog post dated 9 March). We’ve now expanded this feature to allow you to pay beneficiaries in bulk.