Month: February 2016

Updates in SimplePay for the 2016/2017 Tax Year

We are pleased to announce that SimplePay clients are once again some of the first to be informed of the relevant changes for the new tax year.   As from 01 March 2016, your payroll will automatically meet all the requirements for the 2016/2017 period, as announced in the 2016 Budget Speech on 24 February 2016.

Getting Started with Employee Self Service

Here at SimplePay, we believe that taking leave and getting paid should be the least stressful work related things that your employees can do. In the past, however, this hasn’t always been the case, mostly because of all of the red tape and paperwork involved in collecting payslips, and requesting and approving leave.

2016 Payroll Changes – Additional Medical Tax Credit

With the start of the new financial year looming ahead of us, lawmakers have been hard at work drafting legislative changes that will require Payroll administrators to keep their wits about them if they want to keep up.